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Happy Easter! It doesn't feel like Spring but the calender says it's here!

Angela Weaver daylilies Easter Spring

Happy Easter from Sunnybrook Gardens Ltd!

Happy Easter 2018!

Can you tell I like this verse? With so many great verses to choose from at Easter, I managed to choose the same one for this year as I did last year!  It's true, this is one of my favorites... somehow if Jesus had risen from the dead and just left us alone it wouldn't have been nearly as special as knowing that he loves us and is concerned with all of our day in and day out troubles and joys!  It's the reason why he is a lot of the "we" at Sunnybrook Gardens Ltd.  

Last year I had a lot of daffodils, hyacinths and other spring bulbs blooming, but this year Easter has come a bit earlier and Spring has been slow in arriving!  I scoured the flower beds to find something blooming before breaking down and using store bought daffodils in the picture and I was so happy to find one little Rose Quartz Hellebore Lenten Rose blooming!  It might actually show up on your computer screen much bigger than it was in real life!  Even with a short 2" stem and a little flower about 2" across it was still an exciting find!

Another week or so should bring out the daffodils and tulips and it won't be much longer until the garden can be seeded.  I've saved bunches of seeds from last year as well as ordered bunches of new ones to try too! 

While I have not been ambitious enough to start the spring cleanup in the cold and rain and snow (making soap inside is much more comfortable than working outside in the cold!) it should hopefully warm up a bit soon or it will need to be done anyways!  Nothing like spring cleaning the flower beds and a fresh topping of mulch to make things look great in anticipation of summer and more BLOOMS!

Despite the cold, the garlic is already growing and so are the daylilies! There are already tons of divisions in the sale garden coming back to life and looking healthy and full for another season.  Daylily sales will begin in another month, so if you live locally and would like to add some beautiful varieties that you won't find at the local garden center, feel welcome to contact us to stop out for some new faces for your gardens!  See here more information about our daylily plants too!

We will have some more fresh cut herbs and edible flowers and even some vegetables (beans, pumpkins, tomatoes) to share this year too!  Check back to see how things are growing this year!  Without a good space for starting seedlings, most of what we grow will be direct sown and that takes a little bit longer for them to catch up and start producing.  Hopefully by June things will be looking good with a bumper crop of local produce and flowers coming in August!  For more information about our fresh cuts, please see here!


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