All Natural, Vegan, Handmade Soaps & Skincare
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Happy New Year! Wishing you a safe and healthy 2017!

Angela Weaver Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2017!

Happy New Year! 

I know it might sound crazy, but I really do enjoy making New Year's Resolutions!  Not that I always have the joy of accomplishing them in the same year, mind you, but rather that I like the sense of vision that they bring to the clean calendar that has yet to be completely covered with notes, appointments and reminders!  Goals... goals are a good thing!  And progress, even when we haven't reached the goal, is still moving in the right direction, right?  

Too often, I can't help but wish my progress was faster paced and that I could check off things on my "to do" list faster than I can add things to it!  Seems I am often just as guilty as any one for wanting it all done right now rather than being patient and waiting for the best things that are often not accomplished quickly.  Trees take patience; tree growth is slow.  It takes a long time.  A long time in years, and not hours or days or weeks, for a tree to bear fruit or grow large enough to provide a useful amount of shade!  But the wait is well worth it for the fruit that it bears and the shade that it offers.   So this year, 2016 and 2017, I'm thankful for progress... tree growth is good!

Looking back at 2016, it was a good year with a lot of new things!  Our new website is up and running and offers secure shopping, more features and an updated look compared with our website. (Nothing like working on a website to make me feel like an old dog learning new tricks! whew! My sincere thanks to the kind folks at Shopify for making it pretty easy for someone like me that would rather make soap or play in the dirt! I have learned a lot this year!)  New Monthly specials and promotions for products, a new Blog, a Pinterest page, a Facebook page, and being accepted to Etsy Wholesale have all been happy accomplishments this year!  And after many years of wanting to have an email newsletter, the Sunnybrook Gardens Ltd Newsletter Family was a long time coming and so glad to have now!  If you haven't joined yet, I hope you will... I promise not to send you tons of email!  Usually just a couple each month with new items, promotions and the latest news.

2016 also saw the introduction of several new products and product lines: Beard and Mustache Waxes and Dry Shampoos were introduced in a variety of scents; new Mini size bottles for Body Oils, Freshening Sprays and Dry Shampoo, new Lemongrass Solid Lotion Bar, new Chamomile Lemongrass Foaming Bath Tea and Facial Scrub blend,  Unscented Water Kefir and Unscented Blue Water Kefir Hand-milled Soaps, Chocolate Buttercream Body Butter, Shaving Butter, and custom labeled Halloween and Merry Christmas Lip Balms too! 

Looking ahead, 2017 promises to be full of some more milestones and new introductions.  I can hardly wait to reveal them to you in the upcoming months!  Thank you for being a part of the Sunnybrook Gardens Ltd family as we continue to grow... a family tree is one of the best kinds of trees to grow!

Wishing you a safe and healthy 2017!


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