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The groundhogs were right! Winter has returned!

Angela Weaver Flowers Gardening Spring Winter

It's mid-March and I'm thinking that Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck the groundhogs were right... after a refreshing intermission, winter has returned!  With such a mild winter, I really won't complain (too much!) about a delayed spring and a bunch of snow covering up the flowers that were starting to pop up!  Thankfully they weren't farther along so no real damage done.  March snowstorms are easier to take since you know they will be more or less short lived as compared to the more hopeless and unending snow in January and the just plain mean snow that sometimes comes as late as April and ruins the flowers that are about to bloom or are in full bloom!  

The day before the snowstorm I was lured outside by the bright sunshine (that can be rather rare to see here in Northeast Ohio during the wintertime) to see if I could find any stray blooms that arrived too early and wouldn't survive the coming cold weather.  I was mostly just desperate for some fresh cut flowers!  Well, I braved the cold and wind in hopes of finding enough flowers for a small arrangement, but that idea turned out to be wishful thinking though as all I could forage was dried flowers leftover from summer and a bit of sleepy Rosemary that was just starting to wake up in its protected corner of the house.  I was somehow pitifully happy to at least have something to show for my efforts!  But when my husband came home he couldn't take the smell of the Rosemary and I had to put my hard won bouquet outside in the garage! Ugh! I guess it worked out okay since I gifted it to my mom and dad who didn't mind the smell! :)

March 2017 Northeast Ohio Foraged Flower Bouquet

I'm sure Spring can't be too far away at this point so I'm trying to stay warm and make the best of things!  I made a pot of soup for dinner and sorted through all the seeds for the garden (again!) and made some more soap!  And looking out at the flowerbeds covered in snow with only the plant tags showing, I'm reminded of my dad always saying the flowerbeds looked like a parakeet graveyard in the winter time!  And after shoveling some more snow today, I'm ready to put this winter away and move on to spring!  What about you friends?  Hope you are staying warm and cozy these days!

Also, there are still a few days left to enter our Giveaway for a free March Monthly Promotion Box so if you haven't entered yet I hope you will!  

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