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Wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend!

Angela Weaver our pet chickens Spring

 Happy Easter! "I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

Happy Easter!  

Easter is my favorite holiday and we are so thankful for our Sunnybrook Gardens Ltd family!  We hope you enjoy a wonderful Easter weekend!

Our spring bulbs are blooming and I am enjoying the sight and scent of the hyacinths, daffodils, and tulips!  While there isn't a lot to walk around and look at yet in the flowerbeds things are growing and getting green! Every spring I wish I had planted more bulbs in the fall in anticipation of Spring!  The grass has been mowed for the first time and then was covered in several inches of snow from what is hopefully the last of the spring snowstorms here in Northeast Ohio!  I am anticipating warmer temperatures and less frost!  While it is still much too wet to begin rototilling the garden or the new herb and cut flower garden, soft dirt does make for some effective weed pulling!  I'm very happy to get back into the gardens after the winter break!  The daylilies are green and several inches tall already and even the lilies have pushed through and begun to grow!  So exciting... the anticipation of spring and summer!

Even our old hens have gotten into the spirit of things and have been laying more eggs (and by more, I mean they have actually laid some!)  They are sweet old girls, most of them about five years old and some as old as ten years!  Did you know that chickens get white feathers on their head when they get old?  I'd never really thought about it until I noticed them on our girls!  Hopefully in the picture below you can see the white feathers around her face and down her neck that she didn't have when she was younger!

Our pet chicken, Silver, showing her old age with the white feathers on her face!

We enjoy their company and it doesn't really matter if they lay any eggs or not, but it's always nice when they do, especially when I saw the tiny, little thumb-sized egg in the picture! So cute!!  The running joke around here is that the chicken crosses the road to retire at our house and please don't ask what a dozen of our eggs costs us after feeding these old girls who don't lay much, just enough for us and to share with a few neighbors and family!  

Fresh eggs from our pet chickens and an unusually tiny one too!


Have a great weekend everyone!  Happy Easter! :)

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