Sunnybrook Gardens Ltd Blog — Flowers
The groundhogs were right! Winter has returned!
Flowers Gardening Spring Winter
Angela WeaverIt's mid-March and I'm thinking that Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck the groundhogs were right... after a refreshing intermission, winter has returned! With such a mild winter, I really won't complain (too much!) about a delayed spring and a bunch of snow covering up the flowers that were starting to pop up! Thankfully they weren't farther along so no real damage done. March snowstorms are easier to take since you know they will be more or less short lived as compared to the more hopeless and unending snow in January and the just plain mean snow that sometimes comes as...
Seeds of happiness! Joyful planning for spring!
Flowers Gardening Herbs Preserving
Angela WeaverCold rain and snow and a generous measure of wind to bring in March like a lion are the forecast for today and more this week in Ohio! Thankfully, the mail brought more seeds for the vegetable, herb and cut flower gardens so it makes the blustery weather seem more bearable! Ah garden therapy! Planning for summer blooms in the remaining cold days of winter is a joyful thing to do! I was quite excited to receive those beautiful packets of possibilities and hurried to get out my earlier orders so I could spread them all out on the...
Planning for a new herb and cut flower garden!
daylilies Flowers Gardening Herbs
Angela WeaverVisions of fresh cut herb and flower bouquets for the upcoming season are filling my thoughts these days! January usually seems pretty long here in Ohio... and gray... and cold... and snowy... and well, you get the idea! I keep trying to convince myself that I should enjoy winter since there aren't bunches of weeds to pull or garden work to do; just time for all of it (and me) to rest a bit. And in some sense, I guess that is rather nice, but absence makes the heart grow fonder as the saying goes, so winter becomes the time...